Monday, March 15, 2010

Awards and Surprises

First of all let me thank Ms. Connie Ramsey for giving me an award...Yeah it is a blogging first for me. Ms. Connie is a long time friend. I got to know her by our days spent watching kids by the pool during my highschool summers...I was babysitting, she was modeling good parenting. I love her blog Meal Planning with Connie and her recipes make you gain weight reading them but they are DELICIOUS.

The rules for accepting this award are:
1. Post the award.
2. Thank and mention the person who gave you the award.
3. Pass the award on to seven bloggers whom you think embody the spirit of the Kreativ Blogger Award.
4. Name seven things about yourself that others don’t know.
5. Don’t forget to notify the seven Kreativ Bloggers about their award and post a link to their blog.

On to the next rule: My seven bloggers...well, I only had five...sorry

1) My college friend Jill Lamar. We sat through many a class together at Ole Miss and now reading her blog I hear the words she writes as if she were telling me in the middle of class...her blog is an account of the daily happenings in her life, but she keeps it 'Kreativ' by putting in recipes and tidbits of info.

2)MADE- I don't know this girl personally but I look to her for sewing inspiration. Dana makes the cutest clothes for her kids and has great tutorials on how to make simple stuff for around the house.

3)My dear friend Connie at Oh Brother Sew Art Thou- Yes, I do know this crafty lady personally and she has taught me to love sewing, crafting, teaching, and tanning. She might be the funniest teacher I know and very early on in our teaching together she shared valuable knowledge on how to make it as a teacher- like calling 5 parents every day, what to let slide, when to get fired up and when nobody cares so stop complaining;)

4)Meg Jones- I'm not really sure how we met each other, I know we have mutual friends, but I think I knew her before that...she has lately been posting about her house renovations and she is very 'Kreativ'

5) Angela Robinson a bunko playing friend has really cute pictures of her boys on her blog and loves to plan and document the cute parties she helps put on for family and friends.
Seven things you might not know about me:
1) I am an extremely picky eater- I will not eat anything that swims, I will not eat meat off a bone, and can not touch meat on a bone, I am a huge texture person and the meat I eat has to be the right texture or I won't eat it....If I see a vein or grissle I'm done-and won't eat anymore
2) I love magazines. I could spend lots of money each trip to Wal-Mart on magazines, my favorites are InStyle, Southern Living, and Better Homes and Gardens which I have subscriptions to.
3) I am a morning person, I will get up before five just to sew, blog, or read, but I must be in the bed by 8:30- every minute past that time I get very ill and difficult to be around. God help me if I ever have children
4) I am not an animal person-never have been never will be

5) I am happiest when I am making something. I enjoy crafting in all forms, and I find it heartbreaking that everyone doesn't enjoy creating things with their own two hands.
6) I am a very nostalgic person, I have a great memory and might could tell you what you had on the first time we met. I love pictures and talking about the past.

7) I am a worrier. I worry about worrying and I think of what if situations to worry about. I worry about my life without my inner circle of friends and family and worry about if anything bad were to happen how much I would worry then....

Now that I have divulged my secrets...let me now show you an exciting surprise that awaited me on my doorstep a week or two ago...

Yes, that crate is full of patterns...oh they are old as the hill one dated to 1958. I have everything in there from men's robes, vests, wrap skirts, split skirts, walking shorts, drop waisted dresses for adults, Mickey Mouse costumes, swim suits, sweat suits, gowns, and lots lots more. Also, if you need some random singer sewing machine attachments I have a few of those as well...wonder what I'll do with all this stuff? No telling but for now I'll just be really excited about it. I love old sewing stuff this is actually the second installment of random sewing things my friend Meagan has left for me. It began with a crate full of thread and old buttons...which I can't bring myself to use because what I need to use them for somthing really good one day and I have already used them for something else...see the issue...I might have the beginning stage of hoarding...ahhh...
This might be my Easter Dress....hahahahaha

Adult bubble suit anyone????Don't know where to begin with these things...but the boxes are cool...


  1. Thanks for the award Felicia :)
    - dana

  2. Thanks for playing along with the award thingy! It was fun to learn some things about you I didn't know!
    We have several things in common that I've never thought about before:
    ~ I'm not a very picky eater, but I'm picky about which foods touch each other on my plate.
    ~Oh, my, the money I've spent on magazines. Most of mine are food and home decorating oriented. I will pass along some to you very soon when I do my big clean-out, if you want them!
    ~NOT a morning person here! Larry and I are both night owls. Ideally, I would sleep until about 9:00 each morning and go to bed about midnight. We used to do that, but then the kids came along, then schooling, etc. You just learn to adjust, but I don't think you ever completely change your desired sleep pattern!
    ~NOT an animal person either - particularly with inside pets. Too much trouble and cleaning! That said, I do love our outside cats. Cats are easy! Dogs ARE cuter, though! JMHO!
    ~I am happiest when I'm making something - in the kitchen!
    ~I have a terrible, terrible memory! It's getting worse, too! Thank the Lord for photos or I'd not remember half my, or my kids', lives!
    ~I think I'd give you a very good run for your money as being the best worrier ever!! I worry when I'm not worried that there is something that I should be worrying about!!

    Love the old patterns! Brings back lots of fond memories. My mom loved to sew. Bless her dear heart, if she'd lived to be a hundred, there's not way she'd ever have used all the patterns or fabric she had stashed away!

    Love the bubble suits!! I always associate them with a mission trip Larry and I went on to Mobile with the FBC youth. We all (teens and adults) had bubble suit envy in that day! On the mission trip, we had bubble suit night!! Oh, you know that couldn't have been pretty!! But we sure thought it was at the time!!
    Love ya ~ Connie
